MA+VE by D.C.Thomas @ DAC

Updated: Jan 14

MA+VE (Maeve) is about celebrating the sacral feminine and Venusian beauty through the eyes of D.C. Thomas.

The artist has embarked on a lifetime journey to depict her Madonnian and Venusian experiences through visual compositions which are meant to encourage contemplation and confrontation.

​​ This exhibition is generously sponsored by: Jack and Cornelia Mitchell; Glenn Edgin, The FrameMaker; Sango Wine and Spirits; F&M Bank

Have you ever wondered how to pronounce the name I've given to my solo exhibit?

Even though the name's origin is Irish, the MA+VE (Maeve) Solo Exhibit is meant to depict portraits of women that encapsulate the qualities of both Madonna and Venus.

Hence, MA(donna) + VE(nus) = MA+VE(Maeve*)

My approach to their physical appearance is solely rooted in my imagination while remaining faithful to emotions that command my brushstrokes, choice of colors, shapes, and forms.

Stay tuned for more insights.

*Irish name: Maeve, Maebh

Pronunciation: may + v

Anglicized as Maeve, IPA - /ˈmeɪv/

D.C. Thomas reserves her rights to the artwork and photographs. (For more info, contact d.c.Thomas by using the contact form on the contact page).
